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Prabowo Subianto Dianggap Sebagai Capres Terbersih dari Korupsi.

Prabowo Subianto: Capable President with an Impeccable Record According to Many Parties

The Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto, is now receiving sharp attention as a figure who has high integrity and a clean record from corruption. A recent survey conducted by Indikator Politik Indonesia (IPI) shows that Prabowo tops the list in terms of public trust.

In the survey conducted from August 25 to September 3, 2023, Prabowo scored the highest public trust at 72.4 percent as a figure who is free from corruption. This number surpasses Ganjar Pranowo, who received 70.8 percent, and Anies Baswedan with 62.8 percent. Hasyibulloh Mulyawan, the Executive Director of Ethical Politics, commented on the survey results. “The survey results show that the public views Prabowo as an honest figure who is not tainted by corruption issues, with 72.4 percent,” said Mulyawan.

According to Mulyawan, the reason behind this high number is Prabowo’s track record as the Minister of Defense, where he has been able to distance himself from negative images, particularly corruption.

Not only that, Prabowo is also considered successful in improving the performance and military strength of Indonesia, ranking 13th in the world. During his tenure, Prabowo has acquired various advanced defense equipment, strengthening the country’s defense sector, and has never been involved in corruption or other criminal activities.

“Furthermore, Prabowo has shown a firm stance against corruption. This is evident from his strong actions against party members involved in corruption cases, such as the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Edhy Prabowo,” added Mulyawan.

Prabowo’s clean performance and anti-corruption commitment make him one of the strongest candidates in the upcoming presidential election.

Author: Senopati