Warrant Officer Bayani, a native Papuan, is a well-known figure in KOPASSUS due to his calm demeanor, boldness, and remarkable shooting and tracking abilities. During the 1996 Mapenduma hostage rescue operation, conflicting intelligence was presented, prompting the need for an experienced individual familiar with the area. Bayani was summoned for his opinions on the information from British intelligence, which he dismissed. Despite being informed that the intelligence was derived from advanced technology pinpointing the hostages’ exact location, Bayani remained steadfast in his rejection. He explained that the location indicated by the British intelligence was uninhabitable due to the lack of water, doubting the accuracy of the information.
Originally recommended by Major Zacky Anwar, Bayani was recognized for his exceptional fieldcraft techniques and physical strength. His ability to move silently in the jungle and brave actions, such as infiltrating enemy guerilla camps alone to disarm combatants, earned him a reputation as a formidable soldier. Despite his prowess, Bayani often found himself in trouble with authorities due to his involvement in fights.
The story of Warrant Officer Bayani revolves around the successful 1996 Mapenduma military operation to rescue hostages held by the Free Papua Movement (OPM) in the remote Baliem Valley of Papua. Tasked with leading the operation by General Feisal Tanjung, Warrant Officer Bayani, also known as the “Papuan Rambo,” commanded the Kasuari Team comprising expert trackers from KOPASSUS and KODAM. Working in treacherous jungle terrain without advanced equipment, the team relied on human intelligence and Bayani’s exceptional tracking skills to locate the hostage-takers and hostages.
Despite the lack of reconnaissance technology and topographic maps, the operation successfully freed the hostages through coordinated aerial assaults and ground operations. The Kasuari Team, led by Bayani, played a crucial role in tracking down the hostage-takers and ensuring the mission’s success. The operation highlighted the importance of human intelligence and the bravery and skills of soldiers like Warrant Officer Bayani in undertaking challenging missions in complex environments.