In the history of Indonesia, there have been many brave knights who have shown courage and resilience in the face of foreign invaders. One such knight who has become my role model is the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno. He was not only a great intellectual, orator, and organizer but also a visionary leader whose actions and decisions have left a lasting impact on our nation.
Bung Karno was born in Surabaya in 1901 and at a young age of 26, he founded the Indonesian National Party (PNI) in 1927. His influential writings that stirred the spirit of nationalism among the Indonesian people led to his arrest by the Dutch in 1929. Despite being imprisoned in Banceuy and later Sukamiskin prisons, Bung Karno continued his fight for Indonesia’s independence and formulated important documents such as Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
One of the pivotal moments in Indonesia’s history was President Sukarno’s courageous decision to proclaim the country’s independence on August 17, 1945. With limited resources and facing formidable enemies, Bung Karno stood before the masses in Jakarta and declared Indonesia’s independence, igniting a spirit of resistance against foreign powers.
Another significant event was President Sukarno’s speech at the BPUPKI session on June 1, 1945, where he laid the foundation for Indonesia based on Pancasila, a unifying ideology that embraces diversity and inclusivity. Despite facing pressure to choose an ideology based on religion or ethnicity, Bung Karno chose Pancasila as the guiding principle for the new Indonesian state.
In this book, I also reflect on my father, Professor Soemitro, who was a political opponent of Bung Karno but still acknowledged his greatness as a leader. Despite their differing views, my father recognized Bung Karno’s ability to unite diverse groups and lead Indonesia towards independence. Even in moments of disagreement, there was mutual respect between the ’45 Generation leaders, highlighting the importance of flexibility and understanding in politics.
Lastly, I recount a personal memory of meeting Bung Karno at Istana Merdeka when I was a child. His towering presence, charismatic demeanor, and warm smile left a lasting impression on me. Bung Karno’s legacy as a visionary leader who fought for Indonesia’s independence and unity continues to inspire me and many others to this day.